14 horas
Español, Ingles
New York City, NY, Washington DC

If you want the ultimate experience during your New York City vacation this is the trip for you!

Cover the highlights of history-filled Washington DC and some of the city’s best and lesser-known points of interest in a single day during this full-day shared excursion from New York City.

If you want the ultimate experience during your New York City vacation this is the trip for you!

Cover the highlights of history-filled Washington DC and some of the city’s best and lesser-known points of interest in a single day during this full-day shared excursion from New York City.

Travel comfortably in a climate-controlled bus for an overview of Washington DC’s history and culture. Highlights include the US Capitol, Lincoln Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, World War II Memorial, Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, The White House, Union Station Washington DC and many more


Partida / Salida

Nos encontramos con todos nuestros viajeros en los puntos de encuentro.

5:30 AM – Manhattan at Times Square Hotel (790 7th Ave)


Trayecto en autobus

Traveling to Washington DC with stop for meals/refreshment

Arrival - U.S. Capitol Building

Arrive early morning at the U.S. Capitol

One of the most significant government structures in the US is the Capitol. The legislative branch of the federal government, the US Congress, is housed in the Capitol Building. The Capitol Building, a masterpiece perched high on Capitol Hill.


Lincoln Memorial

This wonderful memorial is rightly impressive and as majestic as you expect.

A renowned monument honoring one of America’s most cherished presidents is the Lincoln Memorial. With its imposing stairs and eye-catching figure of Abraham Lincoln, the magnificent monument provides a stirring and motivational experience. The memorial’s importance is increased by the views of the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool. A significant reminder of Lincoln’s legacy and the principles he upheld, it is a must-see monument for everyone traveling to Washington, D.C.


Korean War Veterans Memorial

A wonderful tribute to the men and women who served during the Korean War.All of the sculptures’ details are truly captivating.

World War II Memorial

This diverse and intricate monument is thoughtfully designed in every way. All of the US States and Territories are represented by the columns that encircle the fountain in the memorial.

This large monument honors the states and territories that fought in the Second World War as well as the battlegrounds. The walls are etched with quotes from wartime commanders. It’s nicely done.


Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

Incredible and motivating. Beautiful piece of art and a worthy remembrance of a man who deserves to be honored in this way.

It is only appropriate to have such a magnificent display of a guy who stood on the shoulders of giants and accomplished so much in his lifetime!


Arlington National Cemetery

This is a must-see for everyone traveling to the Washington, DC, region. This ultimate resting place for so many people who given so much has a very melancholy and serene feeling. America’s Heroes and their loved ones are treated with the respect and care they deserve, and the grounds are lovely and well-kept.

The White House

There aren’t enough words to express how marvelous the White House is.

A famous American landmark. a piece that may be found in a lot of American movies. A source of pride for Americans. a place that draws travelers from throughout the globe. An essential stop on the way to Washington, D.C.


Union Station Washington DC

“All aboard!” is not all that Union Station has to offer. The huge spiral staircase, the gold-leaf vaulted ceiling, and the shining flooring are eye-candy as soon as you enter.

From high-end apparel boutiques to locally made crafts and gift shops, there is something for every shopping enthusiast. Also there is something for everyone if you need something to eat.


Partida / Salida

Viaje de regreso a la ciudad de Nueva York.

Retorno a las ciudad de Nueva York

Terminamos el recorrido en el miso punto de ecuentro

Hotel Manhattan at Times Square (790 7th/ Ave)

• Conductor
• Guía profesional bilingüe con licencia.
• Transporte en vehículo con aire acondicionado
• 5 hour bus tour of Washington DC
• 1 hour 30 min walking tour of the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

• Alimentos y bebidas. Este recorrido permite tiempo para un alimentos / refrigerios.
• Propinas (se recomiendan)
• Souveniers / Recordatorios

• All travelers must bring a valid passport. All U.S. residents must bring a state ID or driver’s license.
• Equipaje o Maleta tiene con cargo adicional de $10 dolares por maleta. Se recomienda no traer maletas de viaje a este recorrido.
• Puede ser operado por un guía multilingüe (inglés / español)
• Opera en todas las condiciones climáticas, Se recomienda vestir ligero y cómodo.
• Royal City Tours se reserva el derecho de cancelar la reserva con un reembolso completo en caso de condiciones extremas, climáticas / o cierres inesperados.
• Requiere un nivel physical medio, para caminar, subir y bajar plataformas
• Es posible que el baño del autobús quede fuera de servicio durante el trayecto
• No es accesible para sillas de ruedas


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