14 horas
Español, Ingles
Boston, MA, New York City, NY
  • Ven a conser la belleza, el esplendor arquitectónico y el encanto de Boston en Nueva Inglaterra, una de las ciudades de mayor importancia histórica y renombre mundial de los Estados Unidos. Desde el momento en que bajes del autobús, estarás inmerso en la rica profundidad de la historia estadounidense, a medida que la historia del pasado de nuestra nación se desarrolla ante ti.

Nos encargaremos de su transporte e itinerario, mientras usted se sienta cómodamente y disfruta de la vibrante e histórica ciudad de Boston. Incluso ofrecemos ubicaciones de recogida convenientes desde el centro de Manhattan. ¡Todo lo que necesitas hacer es presentarte y prepararte para un día de aventuras!

Aunque Boston es una de las ciudades más famosas y reconocidas de Estados Unidos, tiene un encanto único de ciudad pequeña y una energía vibrante que no se parece a ninguna otra ciudad metropolitana de Estados Unidos. Los sitios cautivadores, los edificios arquitectónicos majestuosos y los monumentos famosos que visitará en este recorrido entrelazarán la historia del camino de Estados Unidos hacia la independencia, mientras camina por las mismas calles adoquinadas por las que alguna vez pasearon nuestros padres fundadores.

Le mostraremos lo mejor que Boston tiene para ofrecer, todo en un día emocionante lleno de vistas, sonidos y emociones históricas.

Cambridge es el hogar de dos de las instituciones más históricas y prestigiosas del mundo: la Universidad de Harvard y el MIT (Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts). Visitamos el campus de Harvard es majestuoso e impresionante, está lleno de vida estudiantil y energía juvenil, pero muestra las antiguas tradiciones, legados y edificios de ladrillo cubiertos de hiedra que dan vida a este campus de clase mundial.

Visitaremos Copley Square, uno de los lugares más famosos e idílicos de Boston, que alberga la Trinity Church, la Biblioteca Pública de Boston, la Torre John Hancock y muchos otros monumentos nacionales. ¿Sabías que Trinity Church es la única iglesia clasificada entre los diez mejores edificios jamás construidos en los Estados Unidos? Nos detendremos en esta obra maestra arquitectónica, también entraremos a la biblioteca publica de Boston y admiraremos la elegante fachada ascendente de la Torre John Hancock.

Los amantes de la literatura, el arte y la cultura disfrutarán especialmente de nuestra visita a la Biblioteca Pública de Boston, una de las bibliotecas más espectaculares de Estados Unidos. La arquitectura ornamentada y las amplias exhibiciones literarias son absolutamente impresionantes, y te maravillarás con las colecciones de pinturas, tapices, esculturas y toda la galería dedicada a los murales de John Singer Sargent. ¡Esta biblioteca es verdaderamente un tesoro americano único en su tipo siendo la segunda más grande de Estados Unidos !

Our tour also offers you the chance to step back in time with a visit to one of Boston’s oldest neighborhoods, Beacon Hill. This picturesque historic delight has beautiful architecture, centuries-old buildings, and narrow streets lined with real gas lights!

Y por supuesto, una visita a Boston no estaría completa sin un paseo por el "Freedom Trail" o Sendero de la Libertad. Esta sencilla línea de ladrillos está repleta de significado histórico y lleva a los visitantes a un viaje enriquecedor a través del pasado de Estados Unidos, que incluye la Casa del Estado de Massachusetts, la Casa del Estado Antigua, el Cementerio Granary, la Capilla del Rey y Faneuil Hall.

Finalmente, a los amantes de la gastronomía les encantará nuestra visita en la famosa plaza de comida Quincy Market, donde disfrutaras de tiempo libre, productos locales, alimentos frescos, dulces y productos artesanales con mucha variedad. Es un festín para los sentidos... ¡y para el paladar!

No se pierda este increíble viaje a través de una de las ciudades históricas y centro academico más intrigantes de Estados Unidos.


Partida / Salida

Nos encontramos con todos nuestros viajeros en los puntos de encuentro.

5:50 AM – Seven Penn Plaza (370 7th Ave)

6:10 AM – Manhattan at Times Square Hotel (790 7th Ave)


Trayecto en autobus

Traveling to Boston through the states of New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts.We will make a stop for meals/refreshment in the state of Massachusetts.


Arrive early morning at the west end of Boston

Plaza Copley

Numerous Boston landmarks may be found at Copley Square, a public plaza in the Back Bay section of the city.
  • Stop 40 minutes

Trinity Church

Members of the American Association of Architects rank Trinity Church in the City of Boston as one of the top ten structures in the nation and it is classified as a National Historic Landmark.
  • Stop 10 minutes

Biblioteca Pública de Boston

It was the first public library to lend books, the first to have a branch library, the first to have a children’s area, and the first large free municipal library in the United States.
  • Stop 10 minutes

Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel

Since its grand debut in 1912, this opulent landmark hotel in downtown Boston has served as a representation of the city’s grandeur and rich heritage.
  • Parada de 10 minutos

Boston Marathon Finish Line

Many runners believe that crossing the finish line of a marathon is a sacred experience.
Joy, tears, and happiness are shed as a last stride across a straightforward straight line chalked on the ground marks the finish of a 26.2-mile marathon.
  • Parada de 5 minutos

Boston Public Garden

America’s first public botanical garden is The Public Garden.From the beginning, it was ornamental and floral, with winding walkways for walking.
  • Pasar en auto

Boston Common

Boston Common, regarded as the nation’s oldest public park, was significant to the development of landscape architecture and conservation.
  • Pasar en auto

Cheers - Hampshire House

The American television comedy Cheers, which ran for 11 seasons and 275 episodes from September 30, 1982 to May 20, 1993, was inspired by the tavern at Hampshire House.
  • Pasar en auto

George Washington Statue

The biggest sculpture in Boston is a statue of George Washington mounted on a horse. This monument will appear at the top of a Google search for Boston.
  • Pasar en auto

Newbury Street

Internationally renowned designers, hip boutiques, and locally owned stores may all be found in Boston’s upscale Back Bay neighborhood’s renowned Newbury Street retail district.
  • Pasar en auto

Christian Science Church Plaza

In 2011, the Christian Science Plaza received a Boston Landmark designation. The largest private open space in Boston that is available to the public is the 14-acre Christian Science Plaza.
  • Pasar en auto

Symphony Hall

With its ideal acoustics, Symphony Hall is a landmark in Boston and the home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
  • Pasar en auto

Berklee College of Music

The leading institution for music and the performing arts is Berklee. In the whole world, it is the biggest independent college that teaches contemporary music.
  • Pasar en auto

Commonwealth Ave

A magnificent avenue where people like to walk. A focal point of the Back Bay, the avenue is bordered by shade trees and was influenced by Parisian boulevards and French Boulevard style when it was created.
  • Parada de 15 minutos

Harvard Bridge

Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Boston are connected by the Harvard Bridge. It is the Charles River’s longest bridge.
  • Arrivo y pasajeros bajaran del autobus por 5 horas

Cambridge, MA

Home to two of America’s most prestigious universities. Although it is located just across the Charles River from Boston, Cambridge has a unique atmosphere that is easily recognizable.
  • Arrivo y pasajeros bajaran del autobus por 5 horas

Massachusetts Ave- recorrido por la avenida principal

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a private research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. MIT has played a significant role in the development of many areas of modern technology and science.
  • Pasar en auto

Cambridge City Hall

Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a private research institution. Numerous fields of contemporary science and technology have benefited greatly from the contributions of MIT.
  • Pasar en auto

Universidad de Harvard

Harvard University is a Cambridge-based private Ivy League research institution. Harvard University is committed to producing leaders in a wide range of fields who have an impact on the world, as well as to excellence in teaching, learning, and research.

Harvard Yard

The oldest and most noticeable area of Harvard University’s campus is Harvard Yard. It continues to be the university campus’s geographical and historic center. Wide grounds, elegant architecture, and a lively academic environment greet visitors at the yard’s main entrance at Johnston Gate, which is surrounded by its oldest buildings.
  • Stop 1 hour

The Harvard Souvenir Shop

Official Harvard apparel – T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, jackets, loungewear, and so much more.
  • Parada de 15 minutos

Cambridge Latin School

The second-oldest public high school in the US is Cambridge Latin School. It has been recognized as one of the nation’s best public high schools.
  • Pasar en auto

Cambridge Public Library

The Cambridge Public Library in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is renowned for its architectural significance, community involvement, and varied activities and resources.
  • Pasar en auto

Longfellow Bridge

The “Salt-and-Pepper Shaker Bridge” is another name for the 1901 bridge. Great views of the city and the Charles River may be enjoyed from the bridge.
  • Arrivo y pasajeros bajaran del autobus por 5 horas

Beacon Hill

There are several historical sites on Beacon Hill. The beacon that previously stood high on the hill to alert residents of invaders is the source of the name of one of the city’s oldest neighborhoods.
  • Arrivo y pasajeros bajaran del autobus por 5 horas

Massachusetts State House

The State House’s golden dome, which was first coated in wooden shingles, copper-plated, and then gilded in 23-karat gold leaf, is its most identifiable feature. Since its inauguration in 1798, it has functioned as the seat of the Massachusetts government.
  • Parada de 10 minutos

Caminata de la Libertad

Boston’s famed 2.5 mile-Freedom Trail connects 16 nationally significant historic sites, each one an authentic gem. These cultural treasures are still there because of preservation efforts, which makes Boston genuinely special.
  • Walking Tour ~40 minutes

Quincy Market

With more than 25 neighborhood restaurants, Quincy Market features the “Best of Boston”! With Quincy Market’s assortment of fresh seafood, desserts, specialty drinks, and much more, you won’t go hungry!
  • Stop ~1 hour

Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway

The Greenway is a modern public park located in the center of Boston. The 17-acre Greenway was officially inaugurated in October 2008 and is situated on property that was left over when the John F. Fitzgerald Expressway was demolished as part of the Big Dig project.
  • Pasar en auto

Fenway Park

Fenway Park is a baseball stadium that has been home to the Boston Red Sox since 1912.
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Boston University

Boston University is a private research university. Through 17 schools and colleges spread over three metropolitan sites, it provides medical, dentistry, business, and legal degrees in addition to bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees.
  • Pasar en auto

Warrior Ice Arena

Warrior Arena is an ice hockey arena and practice facility for the Boston Bruins.
  • Pasar en auto

Auerbach Center

The Auerbach Center is the practice facility for the NBA’s Boston Celtics
  • Pasar en auto

Partida / Salida

Traveling back to New York City through the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York State. We will make a stop for meals/refreshment in the state of Connecticut.

Retorno a las ciudad de Nueva York

Terminamos el recorrido en el miso punto de ecuentro

Manhattan at Times Square Hotel (790 7th Ave)

• Conductor
• Guía profesional bilingüe con licencia.
• Transporte en vehículo con aire acondicionado
• Tour de 5 horas en la ciudad de Boston
• Recorrido a pie de 1 hora por Freedom Trail

• Alimentos y bebidas. Este recorrido permite tiempo para un alimentos / refrigerios.
• Propinas (se recomiendan)
• Souveniers / Recordatorios

• Los niños menores de 18 años deben ir acompañados de un adulto.
• Puede ser operado por un guía multilingüe (inglés / español)
• Opera en todas las condiciones climáticas, Se recomienda vestir ligero y cómodo.
• Royal City Tours se reserva el derecho de cancelar la reserva con un reembolso completo en caso de condiciones extremas, climáticas / o cierres inesperados.
• Requiere un nivel physical medio, para caminar, subir y bajar plataformas
• Es posible que el baño del autobús quede fuera de servicio durante el trayecto
• No es accesible para sillas de ruedas

Massachusets State House, Boston MA
Boston Marathon, Boston MA
George Washington Statue, Boston MA
Harvard University, Boston MA
Kings Chapel, Boston MA
Massachusets State House, Boston MA
Old State House, Boton MA
Quincy MArket, Boston MA
Statue of John Harvard, Boston MA
The Freedom Trail, Boston MA
Trinity Church, Boston MA


4.87 basado en 114 críticas
diciembre 30, 2024

super bien, excelente información y guía

diciembre 25, 2024


diciembre 25, 2024

The tour guide and bus driver were brilliant

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